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About Us Part 2.

So last time I told you about me and a little bit of my work history and that I want to grow BubbleWrapFun, now I will expand on that.

BubbleWrapFun is currently bubble soccer that is hired out for Birthday and Events. We also attend Gala's and have now been to 2 A&P shows (Gisborne and Wairoa). We want to do much much more. We are booked to attend the Relay for Life and are giving them some kickback money to support the Cancer Foundation, we have the Makauri School Gala coming up but unfortunately at this stage that is it! We want to be much more involved in our local community here in Gisborne. We can help with fundraisers by sharing the profits with the hosts to help schools or the cause grow. So this week I am going to be contacting lots of organisations to see if we can get on board.

BubbleWrapFun doesn't just play Bubble Soccer or Bubble Football as people call it. We play loads of other games and like to mix it up. Bullrush, King of the Ring or last man standing as some call it, we also play a good strategy game called Kings and Queens and this one is my favourite! I will explain how to play the games later or you can look on the website under how to play.

We are also currently looking into other options for activities here in Gisborne. I often hear people say there is nothing to do here, I agree on a level but I also think Gisborne has loads to offer but it's not exactly what these people are looking for. My husband and I are simple and enjoy a walk on one of Gisborne's beautiful beaches but that's not for everyone, some people want more and we want to help make that happen. If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to comment. I would love to know your thoughts and what you would like to see here in Gisborne. We want to put an emphasis on the FUN in our BubbleWrapFUN and with a bit of support from our local community, I think we can make it happen.

Please send me a message or comment if you think of anything you would love to see here in Gisborne, I can't make any promises but you don't know if you don't ask!


Please send me a message or comment if you think of anything you would love to see here in Gisborne, I can't make any promises but you don't know if you don't ask!

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